Arranging a Baptism
Talk to our vicar
The first step is to talk to the vicar. You can do this by either catching up with him after any of our Sunday services, or by contacting the church office to make an appointment. Preparation for Baptism Prior to a baptism being performed, an initial meeting with the Vicar takes place to discuss the requirements for baptism. This is an informal meeting and is the perfect opportunity for you to discuss any questions you may have about baptism or Christianity. Preparation for baptism, either for your child or for yourself, then involves working through an online video series outlining the Christian faith and is completed in sessions with the vicar or a member of the ministry team. During this you will discuss the type of service you would like, whether that is baptism or a thanksgiving service for your children; or for adult baptisms, the format of the baptism service. For those undertaking an adult baptism outside of a church service, a time will be made within a church service shortly afterward to formally welcome them as a part of the church community. Arranging a Date The Parish Administrator will contact you regarding a mutually suitable date for the baptism or thanksgiving service to take place. |