Nativity Youth is taking a new shape for 2017! Rose, along with her husband Jeremy, welcome Youth in Years 9-13 to join the Nativity Youth Whanau!
We hang out on Sunday mornings during the 10am service for activities, kai, and a journey with God together. This term we will be examining 'The Heart'. We sometimes meet on Sunday afternoons before gathering for the 7pm service.
Monday Nights include a bible study for senior students based on 'Bad Girls of the Bible' (and what we can learn from them).
Keep an eye on the Nativity Youth Blog page for information about camps, concerts and special events throughout the year.
For more information on Youth activities, contact Rose at [email protected] - I'd love to hear from you!
We hang out on Sunday mornings during the 10am service for activities, kai, and a journey with God together. This term we will be examining 'The Heart'. We sometimes meet on Sunday afternoons before gathering for the 7pm service.
Monday Nights include a bible study for senior students based on 'Bad Girls of the Bible' (and what we can learn from them).
Keep an eye on the Nativity Youth Blog page for information about camps, concerts and special events throughout the year.
For more information on Youth activities, contact Rose at [email protected] - I'd love to hear from you!
24-7 Youth Work is a trust relationship between a local church and a local school in the context of the local community working together to support young people. It originated from Spreydon Baptist Church in Christchurch, and was so appreciated by secondary schools it’s now gone nationwide. It has so much “street cred” that last year the government agreed to help fund it.
In over 70 schools nation wide, 24-7 Youth Work has now reached Marborough Girls College, where Rose is a Youth Worker and Team Leader 15 hours/week. Her other 25 hours each week will be building our youth ministry.
In over 70 schools nation wide, 24-7 Youth Work has now reached Marborough Girls College, where Rose is a Youth Worker and Team Leader 15 hours/week. Her other 25 hours each week will be building our youth ministry.