Heavenly Father, thank you for our adoption into your family, the church; help us be what you call us to be so that the world may be struck by the sweetness of our love and unity and come to know that God is here. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Questions courtesy of Redemptive Family Devotional and Workbook by Howard Webb and the Love Your Neighbour team 2021
Change begins with me
Read Hebrews 10:11-25
- Have you ever given up something good in order to gain something better?
Read Hebrews 10:11-25
- Verses 11-18 compares the Old Testament way of being in right relationship with God with the New Testament way. The writer to the Hebrews is addressing an audience uncomfortably torn between the old and the new. Why do you think this was so? Why was it important that they give up the old way?
- 3. As we have journeyed through the Redemptive Family series together some may have been envisioned or convicted by the Holy Spirit that change is necessary (v15). What have you heard the Spirit say to you?
- The next part of this passage (vv.19-23) emphasizes our spiritual independence. Even though we are part of a church family we also have to stand on our own two feet spiritually and we each have direct personal access to God. In light of this, what is my responsibility if God has spoken to me over these past weeks?
- The latter part of this passage (vv. 24-25) emphasizes our spiritual interdependence. Why is it not enough to see to do God’s will on my own? Why do we need to be spurring on and encouraging one another?
- The passage concludes with the urgency of our mission, because Jesus is coming back (v.25). How does this fact colour what we have been talking about?
- How can this group be a role-model for behaviour that will help our church embrace its role as a redemptive family?