Ways to Give
There are a number of ways to give to the work of the gospel at Nativity church.
Weekly Offertory
Donations can be made at the Nativity Office or online at https://nativityblenheim.breezechms.com/give (just follow the prompts).
Bank: ANZ
BSB No: 06 0705
Account No: 0429077 00
Account Name: Anglican Diocese of Nelson
Please code your donation (using the four digit number) according to how you would like it used:
1100 Offerings
1150 Special Projects
1160 Building Restoration Fund
1170 Donations - General
1180 Donations - Specific
1200 Missions - General
1210 Missions - The Corins
CASH can be placed into the offertory bag during the Sunday services or forwarded to the church office at any time. Offertory envelopes are available from the office. If you would like your offering to go to a particular area of ministry, place your gift in an envelope marked with the name of the ministry you would like to support. Cheques should be made out to Blenheim Anglican Parish
Donations can be made at the Nativity Office or online at https://nativityblenheim.breezechms.com/give (just follow the prompts).
Bank: ANZ
BSB No: 06 0705
Account No: 0429077 00
Account Name: Anglican Diocese of Nelson
Please code your donation (using the four digit number) according to how you would like it used:
1100 Offerings
1150 Special Projects
1160 Building Restoration Fund
1170 Donations - General
1180 Donations - Specific
1200 Missions - General
1210 Missions - The Corins
CASH can be placed into the offertory bag during the Sunday services or forwarded to the church office at any time. Offertory envelopes are available from the office. If you would like your offering to go to a particular area of ministry, place your gift in an envelope marked with the name of the ministry you would like to support. Cheques should be made out to Blenheim Anglican Parish
One-off donations can be made either via cash or by following the Internet banking instructions above.