Thirty clinking silver coins-
currency of trade and commerce
sealed the deal. For one, accusation,
condemnation, torment, grief.
For the other, easy money.
Reward for Judas, financial advisor,
close colleague of Jesus, having sold his soul to Satan,
Was tempted by the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus.
Cold round tokens
Judas negotiated this insulting pittance
to fill his own purse; betraying his friend, while
confirming his loyalty to Roman oppressors.
Thirty pieces of Roman coinage,
Caesar’s image glinting on every shining coin
handed over by Caesar’s ‘Yes-Men.’
A bag of thirty coins
for his treasonous greeting “Rabbi!” identifying Jesus.
The kiss of his friend, the gesture of betrayal
that sealed Jesus’ arrest.
Predicted by Christ, hours before,
this evil act set in motion events
long foretold in prophecy.
That Last Supper Jesus shared with His beloved followers,
(Where Jesus’ love extended to His betrayer
as He humbly washed those sin-soaked feet,
knowing full well the traitorous act that
Judas planned to execute that very night.)
Thirty pieces of coinage
purchased arrest, ridicule, false accusations,
Five mock trials. A bargain at the price?
A Death Sentence for our Lord; plus
cruel nails, a crown of thorns, a splintered cross,
a whip-lashed body, torture, the walk of shame,
agony and dishonour, as he hung on a Roman tree.
The most brutal death imaginable.
From this instrument of torture, God’s Son cried out
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!”
Judas was included in that amazing act of forgiveness.
Those tokens of greed and treachery-
paid for the release of a murderer,
and purchased the death of two.
Jesus the innocent was laid in a borrowed tomb.
on that Friday we call Good.
The devil’s deed done, Judas tried to return
the coins to the chief priests. They’d paid him
filthy lucre
for his betrayal of Jesus in Gethsemane.
Grief-stricken, Judas hanged himself.
Those thirty blood-stained coins were then used
to purchase a field in which to bury strangers.
Judas was the first inhabitant in that field of blood,
bought with bloodied money, from guilty parties.
BUT - Jesus did not remain entombed.
Within three days He rose from death!
Judas’ evil deed and Pilate’s cowardice
have marked them in history;
Named, blamed and shamed.
While innocent, courageous Jesus is
celebrated around the world!
For those thirty pieces of silver could not negate
God’s loving plan to save us from Satan’s grasp!
What man intended for evil, God used for good.
Judas’ betrayal set in motion the events
that led to Jesus’ foretold crucifixion and resurrection
that brought salvation to humanity.
Money cannot buy forgiveness.
Repentance is the currency of heaven.
Celebrate our Risen King Jesus!
By Rosemary Francis.
Good Friday, 2020
currency of trade and commerce
sealed the deal. For one, accusation,
condemnation, torment, grief.
For the other, easy money.
Reward for Judas, financial advisor,
close colleague of Jesus, having sold his soul to Satan,
Was tempted by the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus.
Cold round tokens
Judas negotiated this insulting pittance
to fill his own purse; betraying his friend, while
confirming his loyalty to Roman oppressors.
Thirty pieces of Roman coinage,
Caesar’s image glinting on every shining coin
handed over by Caesar’s ‘Yes-Men.’
A bag of thirty coins
for his treasonous greeting “Rabbi!” identifying Jesus.
The kiss of his friend, the gesture of betrayal
that sealed Jesus’ arrest.
Predicted by Christ, hours before,
this evil act set in motion events
long foretold in prophecy.
That Last Supper Jesus shared with His beloved followers,
(Where Jesus’ love extended to His betrayer
as He humbly washed those sin-soaked feet,
knowing full well the traitorous act that
Judas planned to execute that very night.)
Thirty pieces of coinage
purchased arrest, ridicule, false accusations,
Five mock trials. A bargain at the price?
A Death Sentence for our Lord; plus
cruel nails, a crown of thorns, a splintered cross,
a whip-lashed body, torture, the walk of shame,
agony and dishonour, as he hung on a Roman tree.
The most brutal death imaginable.
From this instrument of torture, God’s Son cried out
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!”
Judas was included in that amazing act of forgiveness.
Those tokens of greed and treachery-
paid for the release of a murderer,
and purchased the death of two.
Jesus the innocent was laid in a borrowed tomb.
on that Friday we call Good.
The devil’s deed done, Judas tried to return
the coins to the chief priests. They’d paid him
filthy lucre
for his betrayal of Jesus in Gethsemane.
Grief-stricken, Judas hanged himself.
Those thirty blood-stained coins were then used
to purchase a field in which to bury strangers.
Judas was the first inhabitant in that field of blood,
bought with bloodied money, from guilty parties.
BUT - Jesus did not remain entombed.
Within three days He rose from death!
Judas’ evil deed and Pilate’s cowardice
have marked them in history;
Named, blamed and shamed.
While innocent, courageous Jesus is
celebrated around the world!
For those thirty pieces of silver could not negate
God’s loving plan to save us from Satan’s grasp!
What man intended for evil, God used for good.
Judas’ betrayal set in motion the events
that led to Jesus’ foretold crucifixion and resurrection
that brought salvation to humanity.
Money cannot buy forgiveness.
Repentance is the currency of heaven.
Celebrate our Risen King Jesus!
By Rosemary Francis.
Good Friday, 2020