Sunday 10th May is Mothers' Day. This year, Covid will deprive many Mothers of special hugs and visits from loved ones. We're still restricted in movement under Level 3, and some will be unable to get home to honour their mother.
That's regrettable, but in these dangerous days, we honour our elders by not risking their health with close contact. We are fortunate to have other ways of contacting our Mothers nowadays, with phones, computers and posted gifts or cards. My personal favourite 'distance consolatio'n is Skype, where I am beamed into the homes of my children, and able to interact with grandchildren.
Mothering Sunday was instituted in the 16th century in England. It was held in Lent. More recently, the commercial sector saw it as another way to boost sales of cards, flowers and gift items for mothers, and that market increases. I reckon all mothers deserve big celebrations. To nurturing a baby through pregnancy, birth, babyhood, childhood, teen age years and into adulthood takes enormous effort and sacrificial love. Mothers are not perfect; it's a commitment where they learn on the job. Some can't cope with the responsibility, and give up their baby for a - hopefully- better life experience. All of us who are reading this, have a birth mother. Some may also have a Mother who chose you and gave you a new home. Some have married and gained a mother in law as well. These are the women who link us down through the chain of our family history. we literally owe them our lives, and pass their genes along with our own, to our following generations. What a privilege!.
Looking back, with the perspective of having four children of my own, I admire my mother’s perseverance.
What ever good I may have done in my life is due to Mother's example. She was courageous, hard working and loyal. She brought up her family through challenging times to respect God and obey His commandments. I thank God for my mother, and it thrills me to see her high standards and positive personality traits in my children.
"I give thanks to God, whom I serve with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did. I thank him as I remember you always in my prayers night and day. I remember your tears, and I want to see you very much, so that I may be filled with joy. I remember the sincere faith you have, the kind of faith that your grandmother...and your mother....also had. I am sure that you have it also. For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you.... For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead His Spirit fills us with power, love and self control." 2 Timothy 1 vv 3-7)
For all mothers. Thank you for your great contribution to our nation. What a privilege to share with God in the creation of a new generation. may He bless you and your your family.
Rosemary Francis.
This is an abridged version. For the full reflection please see the Nativity Facebook group or contact [email protected].
Blessings to all mothers in our lives this day and always!