However bad things may get, we can take from this scripture that God will remain on our side. More than that, He will intervene should we ask Him, and even honour us in the process. This verse alone should suffice in our current Covid 19 “trouble”. Even better than the comfort of a Government subsidy, we have a rescue package waiting in the heavens, which is there for the asking!
Why am I so reluctant to trust the promises of God such as these? Often I find I have a dollar each way: lip service to the scripture but a fierce attention to a survival plan of my own. The Bible can seem too far-fetched for intelligent, reasonable people, and the unbeliever can be excused for their reluctance to embrace even a rescue package as good as this.
Many times I think we retreat behind pious sounding platitudes when what is required is simple faith. If God has shown His ability to order the universe, then surely he can manage our lives as well. There is a destination waiting for all of us, and we can either embrace it with joy, or try to hide from its’ implication. Will we choose to keep our distance from these words of God and still expect to find intimacy with the One who spoke them? Somehow even the most basic understanding of cause and effect would suggest that this cannot be so.
If we are to take Psalm 91 seriously, then we must embrace it all. We cannot overlap our doubts with what are clear-cut offers of help in our time of need; let’s face it, the world has never been more needy. Christians must take their stand for the sake of all.
Barry Struthers
Why am I so reluctant to trust the promises of God such as these? Often I find I have a dollar each way: lip service to the scripture but a fierce attention to a survival plan of my own. The Bible can seem too far-fetched for intelligent, reasonable people, and the unbeliever can be excused for their reluctance to embrace even a rescue package as good as this.
Many times I think we retreat behind pious sounding platitudes when what is required is simple faith. If God has shown His ability to order the universe, then surely he can manage our lives as well. There is a destination waiting for all of us, and we can either embrace it with joy, or try to hide from its’ implication. Will we choose to keep our distance from these words of God and still expect to find intimacy with the One who spoke them? Somehow even the most basic understanding of cause and effect would suggest that this cannot be so.
If we are to take Psalm 91 seriously, then we must embrace it all. We cannot overlap our doubts with what are clear-cut offers of help in our time of need; let’s face it, the world has never been more needy. Christians must take their stand for the sake of all.
Barry Struthers