What does it mean to “dwell” in the shelter of the Most High? The word dwell inspires the thought of continuous occupation. In most of our worldly relationships our “dwelling” is more fleeting. But the Lord requires constancy ahead of anything. How else will his peace (“rest”) be sustained? The minute we wander from his shelter we are at the mercy of all the elements that would chisel away at all our gains.
In this time of world tribulation, we can see that there is nowhere safe to hide for any lengthy period. We are so interdependent on each other that at some point we must emerge from the shelters of our own making and face the threat beyond. What then?
There will be no doubt, much preparing and planning while we still have some freedom of movement. When the time comes that lockdown has been imposed there will be no further wriggle room to feather our nests. We will have to try to live with whatever we have made for ourselves. But for the Christian it is different. The scripture above does not appear in isolation, but rather is expounded in many other ways throughout the Bible. The Lord has been consistent as well as persistent with us.
So, we have somewhere to dwell that the unbeliever does not. If we are to continuously occupy (as above) then some focus is required on our part. Just as we will shortly be retreating to our homes and staying inside for the duration of the lockdown that is to come, we need to lock ourselves into the Good News of the Bible. We find that we will never be abandoned. Not in life, nor in death. We are to “dwell” forever. Together. Safe.
Barry Struthers
In this time of world tribulation, we can see that there is nowhere safe to hide for any lengthy period. We are so interdependent on each other that at some point we must emerge from the shelters of our own making and face the threat beyond. What then?
There will be no doubt, much preparing and planning while we still have some freedom of movement. When the time comes that lockdown has been imposed there will be no further wriggle room to feather our nests. We will have to try to live with whatever we have made for ourselves. But for the Christian it is different. The scripture above does not appear in isolation, but rather is expounded in many other ways throughout the Bible. The Lord has been consistent as well as persistent with us.
So, we have somewhere to dwell that the unbeliever does not. If we are to continuously occupy (as above) then some focus is required on our part. Just as we will shortly be retreating to our homes and staying inside for the duration of the lockdown that is to come, we need to lock ourselves into the Good News of the Bible. We find that we will never be abandoned. Not in life, nor in death. We are to “dwell” forever. Together. Safe.
Barry Struthers