Whatever way the Lord works, it is always deeply and appropriately personal. There are no wooden formulas to confine him. Some days we do strike stones, and maybe wonder why we weren’t spared. Did God just look the other way or are we missing something ourselves? Is He teaching us the hard way that lucky stars don’t exist, but maybe guardian angels do? How often do we give them a second thought, and when did we last give thanks for them or thought to employ them in our prayers?
For the most part in our busy lives we get by on our own. Often it is only when we have no further ideas or have exhausted all options that we remember to call upon God. The Covid 19 pandemic has put the brakes on much of our busyness; some of us now have an abundance of spare time. And though we have medical science remotely churning away in our favour at present, would it not be comforting to know that we have angels to call on as allies as well? Can they see the danger of this virus on the road ahead of us, and lift us in their hands to avoid it? This scripture seems to say so.
The pernicious nature of this tiny enemy is beating the whole world into retreat. All eyes are on it, but the only useful thing that most of us can do is stay at home. Perhaps in this fraught time we could cast our eyes more heavenward for our protection.
A prayer we could pray:
Heavenly Father. Forgive us for overlooking the angels. They were on hand for Jesus in his times of trial and they are surely on hand now for us in this pandemic. We thank you for them. Give us eyes to discern the good from the bad, and to act appropriately when we sense their presence. We call on them to keep us safe. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Barry Struthers