The last blast of joyous colours bring nature to the closing days of autumn. How vivid and brilliant God’s glorious colour palette is! This is the ‘grand finale’ of long, warm days as our land sinks into longer nights and cooler temperatures.
As a young child, I disliked the fact that our lovely trees dropped their leafy clothes and shivered, naked through the icy months of winter. ‘My Grandma used to answer my persistent questions about these seasonal changes with the old saying “April showers bring May flowers.” I pondered that for years.
We’ve had steady rain over several nights recently, which have stimulated plants to grow and thrive (particularly the weeds in my garden!) This cycle of Creation continues whether we face Covid or any other crisis. Seasonal weather changes provide the right conditions for plants to prosper and grow.
Have we been simply ‘marking time’ in our enforced bubbles? Or have we used this period of restriction as an opportunity to seek God, plan ahead? Have we used our eyes of faith to anticipate the new things that God will allow to flourish; in His good time? “What we sow in tears, we will reap with joy,” is a verse that has comforted me through many challenging times. Our tears can moisten the area where God will help us to bring forth new growth.
We are currently in quarantine, many of feeling frustrated and anxious. We can take reassurance from God’s ability to change such a challenge into blessings for the faithful. Sow in faith, (and tears sometimes,) and we will rejoice when it comes time to harvest time. (Psalm 126 v 5-6)
Every year I purchase little packets of potential promises; attracted by colourful pictures of beautiful, fragrant or fruitful plants. They will reward our careful preparation of garden spaces, obeying instructions, and keeping tiny seeds well weeded, watered and protected. So too, if we want to grow in grace, we prepare the soil of our lives; fertile from repentance, and damp with tears of sorrow. We plant our prayers in faith, and God does the miracle of causing growth.
The cool nights and sunny days of April will settle seeds planted . As we prepare to move out of ‘lock-down’ we will step out into a different season. The world has changed, it has moved on while we commemorated our first Easter at home, struggling with electronic devices that brought us worship we could participate in. Before we break out of our safe shell, let’s seek God’s guidance for our new endeavours. What desires has He planted in our hearts? Did you seek His rainbow in the rain, and new growth sprouting from our tear-soaked ground?
Let God guide us into a new fruitfulness. The time of preparation and quiet rest imposed on us is soon to be replaced by action. Be excited! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” (Proverbs 3 v 5-6)
In His Service,
Rosemary Francis