- If you know how to use a chainsaw, but haven’t got an official chainsaw certificate, you can get one at no charge, next Saturday. It’s a 7 hour course, and you need to be willing to be part of the next 2-3 (roughly annual) Street Intensives.
- Contact me by Monday morning, 10am if you are interested in this free-to-you course.
The annual Street Intensive is a way we can express our Parish mission. Anyone is welcome to join in. You don't need to operate machinery like chainsaws. Just to able to help with tidying up a neighbourhood is enough.
- The next one is in 3 weeks on Sat 15 October,
- It's at Rata Place between 9am and lunchtime.
With the greater awareness of the need for health and safety people can no longer just turn up. We need to be able to do a briefing ahead of time of those who will help. If you can be there please let me know as soon as possible. Leave a message at the church office by phone, email - or in person.
May you know the joy of Jesus reaching others. God bless
Bob Barnes