St Barnabas Chapel
- aka Barnies Youth Centre -
at Nativity Church Blenheim
24-7 Youth Programme.
A small team consisting of Gerry Mead, Joe Keighley, Richard Dyer, Keith Buck and Mike Wentworth has been working for some time to introduce 24-7 Youth Workers to the Colleges. The 24-7 programme had its beginnings with the youth arm of the Spreydon Baptist Church. In 2008 the 24-7 YouthWork Trust was established, and now has Youth Workers in 76 schools throughout New Zealand. It is a programme which is about building relationships, role modelling, being accessible to young people and being around to help young people make good choices.
The team has raised the finance necessary to operate for the first year, is talking to the Colleges and the 24-7 Trust and is planning to employ two Youth Workers next year. They have asked if Nativity will administer the programme until a specific trust can be set up to undertake the administration. At the Vestry meeting on 19 October Vestry agreed to support the programme and to administer the programme until a trust could be put in place. There will be no financial impact for Nativity.
Nativity Youth Worker:
Vestry has also been working towards employing a Youth Worker for some time. It seemed sensible to Vestry that it should co-operate with the 24-7 team who will be looking to employ a Team Leader for 15 hours a week. If Nativity employs a Youth Co-ordinator for 25 hours a week it could make a 40 hour job which would attract a wider range of applicants. At its meeting, Vestry agreed to work with the 24-7 team to employ a Nativity Youth Co-ordinator who will also be the 24-7 Team Leader. The position description places the Youth Co-ordinator as part of the Ministry Team. It is anticipated that the position will be advertised shortly with a start date about mid-January. Vestry proposes to use a legacy which is tagged for Youth Worker’s wages to fund the position for the first year.