On Friday evening Libby and I went to the movie Hidden Figures. It was quite inspirational. I clapped at the end. Although it was a great story it was also certainly based on true facts, and was very real for the times. I was only wee, and living here in New Zealand when those events happened, but I remember them and the attitudes of the times.
I was struck with how appropriate it was for Waitangi Weekend to see this movie, set in America. Libby and I have written on the frontpage of this week's Pew News (see Nativity website) more about the Treaty of Waitangi, and it's implications for us.
But the movie had more for me than a story about positive movement for women and racial attitudes. Al Harrison the boss of the space programme was having huge pressure on him to get a man into space. I strongly suspect that it was the pressure as much as any goodwill he had, that caused him to notice Katherine, the human computer, and thus to break down the barriers to her role as a "coloured woman".
None of us like it when we are under the hammer. Often it's the hard times we face that will let us see - or at least respond to - the hand of the living God and the places He wants to take us. Those are the times we will be lifted into realms we never thought possible. And yes that theme is in the movie too ("Look past the figures").
But the movie had more for me than a story about positive movement for women and racial attitudes. Al Harrison the boss of the space programme was having huge pressure on him to get a man into space. I strongly suspect that it was the pressure as much as any goodwill he had, that caused him to notice Katherine, the human computer, and thus to break down the barriers to her role as a "coloured woman".
None of us like it when we are under the hammer. Often it's the hard times we face that will let us see - or at least respond to - the hand of the living God and the places He wants to take us. Those are the times we will be lifted into realms we never thought possible. And yes that theme is in the movie too ("Look past the figures").
"... suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us." (Romans 5 v5)