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Coming soon to Blenheim an opportunity to explore ‘Godly Play’.
This will be a ‘taster’ and is a must attend for those involved in ministry to the elderly and children. A number of ministers are using this storytelling technique in services and finding it extremely effective. This will be another skill to anyone’s personal set so plan to be there. Blenheim- Nativity, Tuesday 13th June, 9am - 2.30pm $30 per person including lunch. What is Godly Play? Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to faith formation that has its roots in the work of Maria Montessori. It was created by Jerome Berryman, an Anglican priest, about 30 years ago and has been used and developed over time by people around the world as a way of both teaching and being with children. Godly Play uses symbols, beautifully crafted materials, rituals, and silence as well as stories to convey biblical traditions and practices of the Christian church. Godly Play recognizes that children already know and experience God but may not have the language or opportunity to talk about and explore their experiences, thoughts, questions, and feelings. Godly Play provides children an occasion not just to learn about God’s love, but to discover God’s love in the midst of a supportive community and environment. It helps children learn Bible stories and religious language and to use them to make meaning. A Godly Play session includes a time to:- • get ready • tell a story using objects • explore the story more with open questions and discussion • respond with a free choice using a variety of materials art, play, construction, writing... • enjoy a simple feast and sharing Godly Play has been developed from the Montessori tradition by Dr Jerome Berryman. Although it was originally developed as a resource for children, Godly Play is now being used with people of all ages in a diversity of settings - churches, schools, hospitals, prisons, care homes for the elderly… The outline of the day During the day you will experience two Godly Play sessions. After each session there will be a time to reflect on the experience in order to explore the principles of Godly Play. There will be an opportunity for participants to practice telling a story. There will also be information about the resources available to support Godly Play as well as details of courses to take it further. It is customary, but not required, to sit on the floor for the first part of a Godly Play session so please feel free to dress casually. For more information email [email protected] or telephone 021 680 730 |
December 2024