As part of our commitment to transparency and community engagement, we are delighted to extend an invitation to you for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Nativity Church on Sunday 10th March 2024 from 11:00am.
The agenda and report for this meeting can be viewed below by clicking the pdf files.
(The Parish Financial Statement and Vestry nominee profiles will be added as soon as they become available.)
The AGM will provide an opportunity to:
- Review the financial statements and budget for the upcoming year.
- Discuss key initiatives and projects undertaken by the parish.
- Elect new members for the Vestry.
- Share your insights, suggestions, and feedback for the betterment of our parish.
Please mark your calendars for this important event. We look forward to your active participation and contributions towards shaping the direction of our parish.
If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute your thoughts, feel free to send your suggestions or concerns via email to [email protected]. Kathy will ensure that your apology is recorded.
We look forward to your presence at church on Sunday 10th when we join together for:
9am Combined Service (Harvest Festival)
Morning tea
11am AGM
12:30pm Parish Picnic (Nativity Hall and deck area)
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Kathy at [email protected].
See you there!
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