Church Building Redevelopment Brochure February 2020 |
Church Building Redevelopment Feedback Form |
Surveys are DUE in to the Nativity Office by THIS FRIDAY 28th February!
Building Proposal for Nativity 2020 One of the big questions that faces Nativity is the future of our buildings and what is needed to meet the changing needs of ministry. Your vestry, staff and other interested people have been working hard at how we might best proceed. This can be an exciting time for our church– what is it that God is calling us to build that engages the community of Blenheim in such a way that following Jesus makes sense? What is really important is that we are not simply looking at these building for today or for our use but what will be needed for the next 30 years and beyond. This means we need to look at all our buildings – not just this building - the church. Today we are releasing a document that lays out where we have arrived at thus far. It is not the final decision nor is the plan the final way it will happen but rather a collection of ideas and we need to know what you think of them. Whatever is done will necessitate significant sums of money and therefore fundraising and we will all have to take ownership of this. So as you look at the document keep reminding yourself – this is about the future and what is going to be needed every day of the week. We need to ask ourselves “What will a community church look like?” rather than what I want. It is worth noting that our largest congregation is held on a Friday with Tunes for Tots with over 60 families present. Now the plan is set out in stages – this does not mean that we have to follow these stages. There is this building – our church–which has earthquake issues that must be addressed over the next 12 years (by 2033). There is the hall complex that is in serious need of maintenance and renovation and then the plan proposes a new building for Families Outreach and to help bridge any gaps during renovation works. Some of you will not like one or more of those stages or would prefer to see them in a different order. So please look at them carefully and critically. And tell us what you think. Your response is in the form of a simple questionnaire and we invite you to answer each question prayerfully. Please talk about it, but don’t guess; clarify your questions or uncertainties. Talk with your vestry and staff or with Alistair Elliott and Conway Taylor. There is nothing secret here nor is there a hidden agenda but rather a desire to put those things in place that will not only be home for us – who are members of this great church – but also reach out to our community and help us build a place where families and people of all ages feel welcome but above all bring glory to God. Forms may be downloaded below:
December 2024