As you are now aware I am standing down at the AGM from the position of Peoples Warden. A position that I have been truly privileged to have been doing for the past 12 years, on your behalf.
I have not taken this position lightly, and have tried to do the best I can to represent you. Thank you for this time you have entrusted me to it
12 years ago, I was asked to be Peoples Warden, I didn’t think I was good enough to do it, that others would do it better than me. Rog & I prayed over the next few days and asked God to give us direction for what he wanted me to do. If it had been up to me, I think I would have run a mile, but overwhelmingly thru our daily readings, thru the people we talked to about it and the thoughts God put into my mind, and that it was to trust him, and that he wouldn’t leave me or forsake me, that he would walk with me and guide me thru the pathways of my being a warden. And he certainly has. He has helped me thru the difficult times, he has helped me thru the times when I have walked with others thru the things that they are going thru. He has been there thru the fun times, rejoicing with me. He has helped me say the things that needed to be said. He put me with people like Stephen (current Vicars Warden) and David James the previous Vicars Warden, where we have worked as a team supporting the Vicar and the staff team and being instruments in the life of this parish. I have valued immensly these 2 men for whom I am very grateful to have been working alongside.
Last Sunday Roger and I were at St Barnabas Church Fendalton and the Preacher Rev Dr Pauline Stewart spoke on gifts and talents that God has given us, she said
- we are not to hide them or put them away where they cannot be used for the good of others, that we are to offer our talents and celebrate every one which is a gift from God. No matter how hard it may be, we are to have courage to use them. When we see these talents as gifts given to us by God, it is very likely we will understand the importance of sharing them.
People may think with me standing down, that they would have to take over all the things that I do, and the answer is no. God still wants me to do the things he has given me gifts of, hospitality, on a fun & fund raising team, doing catering with Pam(often to help others), greeting (Susan will be heading a team). I are not walking away from church, I know God has new things he wants me to do, some I don’t even know yet, but he is allowing me to pass the baton of Peoples Warden on so he can use me for other things.
I would like for you to think and pray for the next peoples Warden. If you are the right person God will lay it on your heart, you will hear him calling you, and you need to be obediant to him. Trust him.
God is wanting us all to step out in faith, hear his call on our lives and live every day for him. What does he want you to do? listen to Him. He wants us to be involved here, doing the things that need to be done to further his kingdom.
May God Bless you all.