Many of you will have been listening to the 3pm update from our Prime Minister where we have heard that the nationwide level 4 lockdown has been extended until Tuesday 24th of August at 11:59pm. This means that we will not be able to meet for church services this weekend.
Despite this we can still share in services. Our vicar Glen will be beginning our "Burning Questions" sermon series with “Thinking Christianly: Towards a biblical understanding…” this will be available on: (451) Thinking Christianly: Toward a Biblical Understanding - YouTub from 8am on Sunday.
We are also invited to join in with a special combined online service for the Marlborough Deanery on Sunday at 10am. This service will include communion and participants are invited to bring their own bread and wine/juice.
Click here to access via Zoom.
Watch on Youtube:
If you are not sure on Zoom vs YouTube: Zoom allows some interaction but requires a microphone and camera, while YouTube is viewing only and is generally the easiest option.
All events and in-person meetings that have been scheduled before midnight on Tuesday are cancelled and we will await further direction on Monday as to what level of restriction will be in place after this. If you are unsure about a particular event please contact the office or the leader(s) of the particular group.
The Combined Communion Service to be held at the Wesley Centre, next Wednesday has been cancelled and the Music and Shared meal scheduled for Saturday the 28th has been post phoned for now due to the uncertainty at this time.
Please note that no-one is allowed to enter the church buildings or to visit other households during level 4 but we pray that you will continue to care from each other via phone calls and messages.
Blessings on you all,
The Nativity Staff team