As you will be aware we have moved into Level 2 lockdown at midday today ( Wednesday 12th) until midnight Friday 14th August and you may be wondering what does it mean for you and our church family?
At this stage:
- Care cells are still able to meet provided they use good hygiene and any food shared is provided by the host. Please continue to support each other particularly anyone you feel may feel anxious by developments nation and worldwide.
- Thursday Eucharist Service will go ahead, with provisions for physical distancing and hand sanitiser being used. If anyone is feeling unwell, we ask that you remain at home. As rest homes are going in to lock down those that live in these will be unable to attend - please keep in touch via phone calls or other means.
- Health and Safety measures at Nativity will include hand sanitizer being offered at each entrance and the Tracer App QR code located at the entrance to the Nativity Centre. We will also be asking everyone entering the buildings to sign in at the office if during office hours or using a contact tracing list during the week.
- The Organ Concert Fundraiser will, at this stage, still be going ahead. However, it may be subject to Level 2 restrictions including limiting numbers to 100. We will keep you posted regarding any changes. Tickets will be on sale at the door.
- Choir rehearsals may still go ahead. However, we ask that you maintain good hygiene and physical distancing of 1m. Please keep a record of who was in attendance.
- Sunday services will proceed, however, if we remain at Level 2 there will be increased precautionary measures in place (as detailed below).
- The Government continues to recommend that those over 70 and anyone who may be vulnerable should remain at home. This remains only a recommendation, though we ask all within this group to please consider their health before venturing out.
- We understand that some who may be involved on rosters or involved in various other ways may no longer be able or comfortable to do so under Level 2. We ask that you please let the office or your team leader know if this is the case. Services will be held, all attendees will be required to sign in.
- We will not be providing morning tea at either of the Sunday services.
- Children at the 10am service will be directed straight to their programmes and will be served a snack directly via individual portions.
- Physical distancing of family bubbles will be required.
- The 8am choir will be required to sit in the front row of the church.
- High touch areas will be sanitised between services.
- Please follow government guidelines regarding mask-wearing. At the time of this email, this is only required where physical distancing is not possible, such as public transport. In our church environment, this would not apply.
If you have concerns, please contact either Raewyn Parkes (Parish Nurse) or either of us (Priests in Charge – Joe and Susan). For general enquiries, please contact the church office staff.
Joe Keighley and Susan Howarth
Priests in Charge
Nativity Anglican Church